Neurofeedback on ITV & NICE Prof gets evidence ‘unaware of’

On Monday 20th October BrainTrainUK associate Jo-Anne Buttle was featured in the lead story for ITV’s Meridian East region

Meridian East coverage mapwhich covers Kent, East Sussex and West Sussex, parts of Surrey and Hampshire. Reporter Nashreen Issa described how Jo has teamed up with innovative Childrens Centre, Starjumpz in Tunbridge Wells, to offer Neurofeedback services alongside their other therapies.

The story can be viewed here.

Nashreen then interviewed Professor Tim Kendall, who helped develop the NICE Clinical Guidelines for ADHD, asnd asked him about Neurofeedback.

Tim said that NICE would be looking for Randomised Controlled Trials to provide evidence that Neurofeedback is better than treatments they can currently offer, and that he wasn’t aware of enough evidence to say that.  We have sent Tim a copy of our report ‘The Case For Neurofeedback on the NHS Issue 3.1 April 2014‘ which clearly spells out the independent evidence review that led to the American Academy of Pediatrics October 2013 report identifying Neurofeedback as meeting the highest levels of evidence-based practice.

See the exchange with Tim Kendall here.

Reporter Nashreen called us on Wednesday with some general questions about Neurofeedback in the UK and indicated she hoped to report more on Neurofeedback in the future.

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