Aldona’s Story: living my dream career change
Woman at career crossroads finds clarity and lives her dream after Neurofeedback
“I wanted to get clarity on what I wanted to do with my life.”
37 year-old Aldona, from Kensington first heard about neurofeedback from a friend who recommended BrainTrainWA.
“I’ve changed my career direction twice already. After 7 years in hospitality and 4 years in the movie industry I wanted to be absolutely sure that I’m making the right choice this time.
A few months before starting my first round of neurofeedback sessions I had decided that I wanted to change my career path again. My dream was to train people how to be more happy and effective.
My friend said that I’ll get much better clarity after neurofeedback sessions, so I decide to try.”
“I found the neurofeedback experience with BrainTrainWA amazing ! BrainTrainWA is really professional and efficient at what they do. Before I started the first set of sessions I had to fill in a proper questionnaire about my eating habits, exercise patterns, work situation, childhood memories, self believe system and medical history.
During first sessions my practitioner was monitoring my emotional states really carefully so I felt safe and well taken care of.”
In terms of results, she says “Neurofeedback has given me clarity on my goals.
I’ve released lots of stress, and changed my perception of my work and social circumstances. I became more effective at work and dealing with people suddenly became much easier, as my confidence and self-awareness increased. I was able to clearly see when my colleagues at work or suppliers were stressed or under pressure and deal with them in an appropriate way. I became more patient and adaptable, more effective at achieving my objectives.
Neurofeedback has diametrically changed my life. At the end of August 2015 I resigned from my full time office job, I’m finishing my qualification in coaching, I’m in the process of building my website and setting up my own business. “
“Neurofeedback enabled me to change my dream into reality. I’m living my dream now and it’s just a beginning of an amazing journey.”